Kamis, 17 November 2016

Cheat Raspberry PI

Immediately on powering-up the Raspberry Pi, a screen will appear–momentarily–saying Press SHIFT key to enter recovery mode.  Provided that you are ready and press the Shift key, you will enter a recovery partition.
The recovery partition allows you to start again, easily, with another copy of Raspian or with an alternative OS.
On boot hold down the Shift key
From the command line interface, or in Raspbian, open LXTerminal and type: 
The Raspberry Pi configuration tool allows you to define a number of settings on your Pi, including:

  • Expand Filesystem–ensures that all of the SD card is used for storage
  • Change User Password–replace the default user and password, pi and raspberry respectively
  • Enable Boot to Desktop/Scratch–choose to boot direct into desktop environment rather than command line interface, CLI
  • Internationalisation Options–Specify language and regional settings
  • Enable Camera–for use with the Raspberry Pi camera add-on
  • Add to Rastrack–to add to the global Raspberry Pi tracker
  • Overclock–change the speed of the processor
  • Advanced Options– 
  • About raspi-config–information about the configuration tool
To navigate the interface use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to move up and down in the list.  The Tab key allows your to choose the <Select> and <Finish> options.
When a Raspberry Pi is first connected to a television or monitor, the graphics may not occupy the entire screen.  You may see a black border around the image; this is underscan.  Alternatively, the full image may be truncated around the edges, the graphic environment disappearing over the edges of the monitor.  This is overscan.
One is to enable overscan or underscan on the monitor through the display menu options.  If this is not possible, it can be done on the Raspberry Pi.

To enable or disable overscan, on the Raspberry Pi, from the command line interface, or LXTerminal if you are in the graphical user interface, enter the command:
Select 8 Advanced Options > A1 Overscan then <Enable> or <Disable> as required.
Often, it is useful to know the IP address, on the network, of a Raspberry Pi.  To determine the IP address of the device, enter the following command from the command line interface, or LXTerminal if you are in the graphical user interface:
The IP address of the Raspberry Pi is displayed on the second line, in this example as inet addr:

The first line shows the MAC address.  In this example, the MAC address of the device is HWaddr b8:27:eb:45:1c:a0.
In order to set a static IP address on a Raspberry Pi, just edit the interfaces file using a text editor, in this example I am using nano. Enter the following command from the command line interface, or LXTerminal if you are in the graphical user interface:
This will open the text editor that will enable the editing of the configuration file.

Edit the appropriate line, in the file, from iface eth0 inet dhcp to iface eth0 inet static.  Then add the following lines to the file:
The address IP setting will be the IP address you wish to specify as static on your network.  The gatewaynetmasknetwork and broadcast IP addresses are dependent on your network and can be obtained from the router.
Press Control-O and then Enter to save, followed by Control-X to exit.

In order to change the default hostname of a Raspberry Pi, just edit the hostname file using a text editor, in this example I am using nano

Enter the following command from the command line interface, or LXTerminal if you are in the graphical user interface:

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